ARL Bio Pharma provides analytical and microbiological testing for California compounding pharmacies, outsourcing facilities, and health-system pharmacies. Our laboratory partners with California Pharmacy Association so pharmacies can meet state requirements and release quality drug products easier and faster.
CPhA members also receive a 10% discount on testing services.
Submit Samples for testing through ARL's Client Portal. Make sure to write "CPhA Member" on required new client forms to receive 10% discount.
This test measures the concentration of the active ingredient at a specific point in time.
- Benefits of Submitting Master Formulation Records
- Chemical Testing Aspects of USP 797 for Compounded Sterile Preparations
- Drug Formulation and Its Impact on Analytical Testing
- Importance of Sample Amounts and the Impact on Potency Testing
- Potency Test Failure Case Studies
- Potency Test Results
- Potency Testing Benefits and Requirements
- Stability vs. Potency Testing
- T3/T4 Formulations
- Test Specifications
A stability study measures the extent to which a product retains, within specified limits, and throughout its period of storage and use, the same properties and characteristics that it possessed at the time of compounding.
A study commonly includes: a stability indicating method assay, sterility (for sterile preparations), endotoxin (for most sterile preparations), pH, visual inspection, particulate matter, preservative effectiveness, preservative quantification, microbial limits (for non-sterile preparations), and the absence of specified organisms (for non-sterile preparations).
- Chemical Stability of Admixtures Containing Ziconotide 25 mcg-mL and Morphine Sulfate 10 mg-mL or 20 mg-mL During Simulated Intrathecal Administration
- Compatibility and Stability of Palonosetron Hydrochloride and Propofol During Simulated Y-Site Administration
- Compatibility and Stability of Palonosetron Hydrochloride with Four Neuromuscular Blocking Agents During Simulated Y-Site Administration
- Compatibility and Stability of Palonosetron Hydrochloride with Gentamicin Metronidazole or Vancomycin During Simulated Y-Site Administration
- Compatibility of Caspofungin Acetate Injection with Other Drugs During Simulated Y-Site Coadministration
- Compatibility of Micafungin Injection with Other Drugs During Simulated YSite Coadministration
- Drug Compatibility with a New Generation of VISIV Polyolefin Infustion Solution Containers
- Extending Beyond Use Date for Compounded Preparations
- Importance of Forced Degradation in Stability Indicating Methods
- Palonosetron Hydrochloride Compatibility and Stability with Three Beta-Lactam Antibiotics During Simulated Y-Site Administration
- Pharmaceutical Compounding Errors
- Physical and Chemical Stability of Palonosetron Hydrochloride with Glycopyrrolate and Neostigmine During Simulated Y-Site Administration
- Physical and Chemical Stability of Palonosetron with Metoclopramide and Promethazine During Simulated Y-Site Administration
- Proactive Approaches to Mitigate Stability Failures
- Quality Control Analytical Methods-Stability Versus Potency Testing-The Madness is in the Method
- Stability of Metronidazole Benzoate in SyrSpend SF One-Step Suspension System
- Stability vs. Potency Testing
- What Factors Influence Stability?
- Beyond Use Date Strategies for Compounded Preparations
- Compounded Sterile Products: Extending Beyond Use Dating and Batch Release Testing for 503A and 503B Facilities
- Extending Beyond Use Dating for Compounded Preparations
- Root Causes of Stability Failures
- Stability Indicating Methods
- Stability Studies: Architecture Behind Establishing a Beyond Use Date
- Stability Testing: Science and Compliance
The container closure system for a drug product provides critical protection for stability and sterility. ARL offers USP <1207> container closure integrity testing (CCIT) on IV bags, syringes, cassettes, and vials. Three types of leaks that can be detected during CCIT include:
- Entry of microorganisms
- Escape of the product dosage form or entry of liquids or solids
- Escape of nitrogen gas or entry of oxygen, water vapor, or air gase
- Container Closure Integrity Testing - vacuum decay test method
- Container Closure Integrity Testing - dye ingress test method
- Minor Chapters, Major Impacts – What USP Chapters 51, 61, 62, and 1207 Mean for Your Compounding Practice
A sterility test detects microbial contamination. A satisfactory result indicates that no contaminating microorganism has been found in the sample examined under the conditions of the test.
- Applications and Sterility of Autologous Serum Eye Drops
- Basics of Sterility Testing
- Laboratory Considerations of USP Chapter 71 Sterile Tests
- Method Suitability and Its Importance to the Test Method
- Open vs Closed Membrane Filtration Systems
- Sterility Test Failure: Possible Causes and Investigation
- The Importance of Sterility Test Volume and Method Suitability Testing
- USP 71 Sterility Testing
An endotoxin test detects toxins that are released from the cell wall of disrupted gram-negative bacteria.
- Comparison of Endotoxin Testing Methods for Pharmaceutical Products
- Endotoxin Testing with a Contract Testing Laboratory
- Endotoxin Challenge Vials
- Endotoxin Essentials
- Endotoxin Limits
- The Importance of Endotoxin Testing
- USP <85> Bacterial Endotoxin Validation and Its Importance to the Test Method
This test identifies microorganisms isolated during different phases of manufacturing and quality testing to the genus/species level using DNA sequencing.
An antimicrobial effectiveness test demonstrates the effectiveness of antimicrobial preservatives in preventing microbial proliferation in injections, topicals, oral products, single dose vials, and antacids packaged in multiple-dose containers.
- Essentials of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter 51 Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing
- Minor Chapters, Major Impacts – What USP Chapters 51, 61, 62, and 1207 Mean for Your Compounding Practice
- USP <51> Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing
These tests quantitate the total population of aerobic bacteria, yeast, and molds in raw materials, in-process samples, and finished products.
- Microbial Tests for Non-Sterile Products
- Microbial Limit Tests for Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals Part 1
- Microbial Limit Tests for Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals-Part 2
- Minor Chapters, Major Impacts – What USP Chapters 51, 61, 62, and 1207 Mean for Your Compounding Practice
- USP <61> and USP <62> Microbial Tests for Non-Sterile Products
- Microbiology Testing: USP Requirements for Sterile and Non-Sterile Preparations
- Minor Chapters, Major Impacts: What USP <51>, <61>, <62>, and <1207> mean for your Practice
These tests verify the absence of objectionable microorganisms in drug products and raw materials.
- Microbial Tests for Non-Sterile Products
- Microbial Limit Tests for Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals Part 1
- Microbial Limit Tests for Nonsterile Pharmaceuticals-Part 2
- Minor Chapters, Major Impacts – What USP Chapters 51, 61, 62, and 1207 Mean for Your Compounding Practice
- USP <61> and USP <62> Microbial Tests for Non-Sterile Products
- Microbiology Testing: USP Requirements for Sterile and Non-Sterile Preparations
- Minor Chapters, Major Impacts: What USP <51>, <61>, <62>, and <1207> mean for your Practice
Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products – Tests for Burkholderia cepacia Complex USP <60>
This test procedure evaluates the microbiological quality, specifically the presence of species of the genus Burkholderia, in non-sterile substances and preparations. This is important, because Burkholderia is a potentially dangerous pathogen, especially for drugs or raw materials that are intended for inhalation use, and aqueous preparations for oral, oromucosal, cutaneous, or nasal administration.
A particulate matter tests for the presence of extraneous substances including: dust, glass, drug precipitates, rubber and other insoluble materials.
Microbial cleaning studies are essential to validating a facility’s cleaning SOP. Pharmacies must demonstrate that cleaning agents, combined with instructions and procedures for their use, remove microbial contamination from surface areas where sterile drug products are compounded.
This test measures the level of hazardous drug surface residue to verify workplace safety.
Available Drugs:
- 5-Fluorouracil
- Chloramphenicol
- Cyclophosphamide
- Estriol
- Estradiol
- Estrone
- Finasteride
- Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
- Methotrexate
- Mitomycin
- Misoprostol
- Progesterone
- Testosterone
- Testosterone Cypionate
- Testosterone Enanthate
- Testosterone Propionate
- Voriconazole
If you would like to test for a drug not listed, please email and request that a new drug be added to our testing library.
- USP <800> Environmental Quality and Control
- USP <800> Surface Wipe Sampling
- USP <800> Why should you test?
- USP <800> Environmental Monitoring Requirements Q&A